
about 20160115 clayton west cc need your help

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Clayton West Need Your Help

15th January 2016

Clayton West Cricket Club is under serious threat of closure if Kirklees “Local Plan” proposals to build on land running adjacent to the cricket field are approved. We are looking for the support of local people to raise objections to these proposals, allowing the cricket club to continue to exist and provide a much needed recreational and community facility for many people (including lots of children of all ages) in Clayton West and the surrounding area. In the last 2 years alone we have seen junior membership rise from 30 members to more than 100 – it’s vital that we do everything we can to prevent the closure of such an important facility for future generations.

What can you do to help?

There is only one request we ask of you and that is to register an objection on the Kirklees consultation website. This can be found at consult.kirklees.gov.uk/portal/aod 

You will need to register (you will see the register/sign-in option at the top of the page) and then after you’ve registered select the following:

1) DLP allocations and designations

2) "Read and comment on document"

3) 4 - Housing allocations

4) 4.4 - Kirklees rural sub area (scroll down to sites H454 and H498)

5) Select "add comment"

We appreciate that people have busy lives and that the process for registering an objection may not appear easy/quick. For anyone who wishes to have further help or support in registering an objection, you can contact someone at the cricket club who would be happy to help further. We will also be opening the cricket club on Friday 22nd January from 5:30pm for anyone to call in, where we will help you with the objection registering process. The closing date for registering objections is 5pm on the 1st February. For further information / updates on this issue, please visit us at Twitter or on our website:

Website - www.claytonwest.play-cricket.com 

Twitter - @CWCCJuniors or @CWCC_cricket

Steve Scott – 07572 799429 / stevescott2707@hotmail.co.uk 

We thank you very much indeed for your support in helping us protect this important local facility that has been in place for more than 100 years. We’d like to think that our efforts can ensure it can continue for the next 100 years.

Kind regards

Clayton West Cricket Club